QSL Information

Since its founding in 1930, W4ATC has amassed a sizable QSL card collection. If you’ve recently made a QSO with W4ATC and would like to send us your QSL card, it would be sincerely appreciated.

To aid in staying organized, an email letting us know you posted your QSL would be appreciated. Our email address can be found under the ‘Links’ page.

US Stations: kindly include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) if you would like us to return a card.

International Stations: kindly include a SAE and USD$1 for return postage.

If known, please include the name of the member(s) with whom the QSO was made. A return card will be posted at the addressee’s earliest convenience.

Address Information:

W4ATC c/o Daniel D. Stancil

890 Oval Drive 3114 Engineering Building II

Raleigh, N.C. 27606
