For over 90 years, the NC State Student Amateur Radio Society W4ATC StARS has been a group of men and women who bond over their interests in amateur radio. Our members represent a wide range of demographics, majors, and interests. Read more about our club history here. For more info about what we do, click ‘about’.

If you are interested in learning more about us, or are interested in joining, feel free to contact us via email at or through our Discord. For a brief run-down on how the hobby works, click here.

Whether you’re interested in talking to people around the world, learning to use morse code, chatting with astronauts, or bouncing signals off the moon, amateur radio has something to interest just about anyone. We hope you’ll join us on the airwaves!

/ – -. -..- / . … / –… …– (Thanks and best wishes)

Above is a brief video introducing the hobby, the club, and a few of our members.

The image to the left is one of the earliest photos associated with the club, circa 1930.

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