The Constitution of W4ATC

We, the membership, desiring to secure for ourselves the benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, by furthering better cooperation among its members, developing individual efficiency, hereby constitute ourselves as the W4ATC STudent Amateur Radio Society, hereto after referred to as STARS, and do enact this constitution as our governing law.

ARTICLE I: PURPOSE 1. To operate as a public service with a reservoir of trained radio operators in case of emergencies, 2. To facilitate the bringing together of congenial radio amateurs for the purpose of interchanging information and ideas dealing with amateur radio, 3. To establish, operate, and maintain a duly licensed amateur radio station for the use of its members and to provide public service communications. 4. To promote the usefulness and congenial spirit of amateur radio to the general public and especially to the NCSU student body. 5. To facilitate the education and encouragement necessary for nonlicensed individuals to obtain amateur radio licenses. In addition, all activities involved in the above will be performed without pecuniary gain or monetary considerations. No part of the assets or income of STARS shall be the property of any member; such assets and income shall be devoted to the purposes set forth herein. This constitution and its related by-laws shall be the governing law of STARS.

ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP Membership in STARS will be open to all persons with an interest in amateur radio. Classes of membership are as follows: 1. Full member: A person who holds a valid Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Amateur Radio License and pays the membership dues. Furthermore, full membership can only be granted to persons who are either full-time or part-time students, staff, or faculty of North Carolina State University (NCSU). 2. Associate membership: A person who is interested in amateur radio and pays the associate membership dues. Associate members may not vote nor hold office. A member will be considered in good standing provided his/her semester or session dues have been paid in full by the second meeting of each semester or session. Any member may be removed from the membership as provided for in the By-Laws.

ARTICLE III – OFFICERS The elected officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Technician. These officers will be elected by majority vote and the term of office shall consist of twelve (12) months, beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the next year. Incumbents may be elected/reelected to fill any officer position, but they may not serve in the same position for more than two complete, consecutive terms, with the exception of Technician. The club must have at least three officers. The Executive Committee will consist of all elected officers.

ARTICLE IV – ELECTION/REMOVAL OF OFFICERS In March of each year, nominations for the Club’s officers shall be made from the floor and/or presented to the Club’s secretary in writing by the nominating person. Election of officers will be made at the regular meeting in April. New officers will assume their duties effective September 1 of that same year. Vacancies must be filled by special election at the next regular meeting held at least fifteen (15) days following such vacancy. The newly elected officer will immediately assume his duties. Any request for removal of an officer must be detailed in writing and must be signed by at least three (3) full members. Upon receipt of such request, a vote will be held within fifteen (15) days following full membership notification. A simple majority of the full membership, voting in person or by written absentee ballot, shall be necessary for the election and/or removal of any officer of the club. The secretary and the treasurer offices may be combined at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


The President shall preside at all meetings and conduct them in accordance with the Constitution and attached By-Laws; sign all official documents; and perform all duties necessary to the continued prosperity of the club. Upon retiring from office, the President shall serve as ex-officio officer at large for a period of one year. The President will direct the activities of the Executive Committee, and insure that all elected and appointed officers are executing their duties.

Section 2:

The Vice-President will act as the coordinator for all committee actions. He is also the chairman of the Program Committee. He or she will be responsible for providing a program for each regularly scheduled meeting. The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

Section 3:

The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings and attendance of all meetings, maintain the membership roll, prepare correspondence, read the minutes of the previous meeting and any pertinent communications at each monthly meeting when called upon by the President. In addition the Secretary will maintain the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club and provide a copy to each member, when so directed. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the membership of any meetings or activities of the club. Additionally, he or she will ensure that voting members are thoroughly briefed and knowledgeable when the topic of the upcoming meeting is to include Constitution/By-Laws amendments or the election of officers.

Section 4:

The Treasurer shall prepare a receipt for all monies donated to the Club or received as dues and keep a record of income and expenditures. He or she shall pay all bills out of a Club checking account upon authorization to do so by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall report receipts and disbursements at each monthly meeting. At the expiration of term of office, he/she shall turn over to the successor all financial records, monies, correspondence, statements, etc.

Section 5:

The Technician will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Club’s radio station and associated equipment. In this capacity he will serve as Chairman the Station committee.

ARTICLE VI – AMENDMENTS This Constitution and/or By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Full Membership, provided each member has been advised of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at a specified meeting. Proposals for amendments must be submitted in writing at a regular monthly meeting for voting upon at the next regular meeting. Voting can b in person or by written absentee ballot.


A joint inventory of all Club property will be made by the Treasurer and Technician prior to the end of September of each school year. A report of this inventory will be made at the second meeting by the Treasurer and incorporated into the minutes.

Section 2:

Club property valued at more than $25.00, according to the Treasurer’s inventory, will be disposed of only by sealed bid, open to the general public, and advertised at least one week in advance. Items valued at less than $25.00, according to the Treasurer’s inventory, may be sold at open sale. Any offering of Club property for disposal must be approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 3:

Members wishing to borrow Club equipment or property shall be required to check said statement or property, in and out, using such facilities as provided by the Club. Any damage or loss of equipment in this category will be the responsibility of the person to whom the loan was made. The extent of the liability will be assessed by the Executive Committee. The President, at his/her discretion, may order the return of any borrowed Club equipment at any time such action is deemed necessary.

ARTICLE VIII – STUDENT GOVERNMENT Any article of this constitution or part thereof that is in direct violation on the student government constitution or By-Laws shall be null, void, and declared unconstitutional by the President of the Student Government. Any difference of opinion between the Club and the President of Student Government shall be brought before the legislature whose decision shall be final.

ARTICLE IX – FACULTY ADVISOR The Club shall have at all times a Faculty Advisor who will advise, aid and assist the Club. The Faculty Advisor will be empowered to represent the club in any matter requiring the official permission of the University. The Faculty Advisor will be elected from the members of the faculty of NCSU by the Club members. The President will notify the faculty member so elected, and obtain his consent before the vote becomes final.

By-Laws of the W4ATC STARS

SECTION 1: MEETINGS Meetings shall be held at such place and time as the President and/or Executive Committee may direct. A simple majority of Full Members present will be required to conduct business unless otherwise specified in the Constitution.

SECTION 2: ANNUAL DUES (A) Full Membership: $5.00 per regular school semester. (B) Associate Membership: $1.00 per regular school semester. All members in good standing will have free membership during the summer.

SECTION 3: MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL OR REMOVAL (A) Consistent with the Article I of the Constitution, all members who qualify and apply for membership willl be automatically accepted, provided they have not been removed from membership prior to application. (B) Any member may be removed from the membership or reinstated by a majority vote of the Full Membership, voting in person or via absentee ballot provided that the member be notified by the Club officers of the charges against him/her and he/she be permitted to appear before a meeting of the Club officers, of which meeting he/she shall be notified at least fifteen (15) working days in advance of the meeting date. The Club officers shall notify the membership of their vote prior to the vote of the membership. If the accussed member resigns, and said member is not indebted to the Club, no further action need be taken and the member will be dropped from the roster.

SECTION 5: COMMITTEES The President shall have in his/her power to form/dispurse with any committees he/she shall deem neccessary as long as such committees are not those permanent as provided by the Constitution or these By-Laws.

SECTION 6: ELECTRONIC MAIL Electronic mail shall be the normal means of communication for notices and other information regarding the activities of the club. A mail alias shall be maintained with the Computer and Technologies Theme Program until such time as the CATT program deems to revoke our privelage. The alias will maintain the list of all club members’ e-mail address and will be accessable by the membership as ‘’. [note: since at least 8/94]